Monday 28 March 2011

How the characters are used in the film 'Deja Vu'

In the first scene of 'Deja Vu', we see people who are energised and full on enjoyment as they are about to set sail on whatever journey their boat takes them on. We see sailors sprinting out of their transportation vehicles to meet and greet their friends and family who are also about to embark on the adventure. Children who are aboard the boat are excited to be on their way for what could be a new experience for them. All the characters in the opening scene are giving a sense of excitement and happiness, but all good things must come to an end.
As the boat sets sail, the focus is put on one of the boats crew members who is keeping watch of the cars. The crew member notices that one of the cars has been switched on with it's stereo on full. As this is rather unusual and suspicious, he goes in to check it out. We notice the confusion in his face as he finds there is no number plate. As he looks in the back seat, we all see a bomb from his perspective. We know what it is but he takes a while to get the grip of it. Just as he realises what the object in the backseat of the car is, the car along with the boat explodes into smithereens. The crew member didn't even get enough time to react or show facials.
 These characters emotions going from complete happiness and excitement to suspicion and worry really emphasises the climactic point of the film. It was also built up nicely as the suspense and tension grew with the parallel action shots between those aboard the boat and the crew member looking after the cars. 

Sunday 27 March 2011

How the mood and tone is created in 'Deja Vu'

In the opening scene of 'Deja Vu', we witness happiness in the characters who are about to board their boat cruise. We see crew members run out of their buses in excitement, jumping and cheering. We see families anxious to get away from their daily lives and we see children animated and eager for what could be their first boat cruise. The tone is created by all these shots of people who are energised and ready to go out on their cruise. The mood however paints a different picture. Yes, as you watch this part of the film, you will see people who exude happiness, but the music in the background makes us feel some sort of suspense. The gloomy music does not fit in with the people's feelings. The viewers get the feeling that something tragic is about to happen.

Once everyone is aboard the boat, the tone remains the same. We witness crew members, families and children filled with joy. There is a band on the boat playing classical music setting a tone of excitement. The scene then cuts to a crew member guarding the cars on deck. Out of now where, one of the car's radio switches on. As this is rather suspicious, we feel a suspense build up. The suspense continues to build as we see a parallel action between those who are having a good time on the boat and the crew member examining the car. All is then revealed as the crew member looks to the back of the car and notices a bomb. Before he can do anything, the car along with the boat explodes sending everyone aboard in the air. We see various shots of the explosion mainly panning ending with a long shot.

The tone and mood have now dramatically changed as we move into the climax of the film. We have gone from happy and suspenseful to sympathetic. The emotional music makes us feel even more sympathy for those who are aboard the boat.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Briefly describing the opening to 'Deja Vu'

In the opening scene of 'Deja Vu', we see many people excited for their boat trip. We see children, parents and crew members eager to get on their way. As the boat takes off, we see slow motion shots of everyone having a good time in a parallel action with one of the crew on the deck which creates suspense for the viewer. The crew member heres music suspiciously playing in the car. He goes to check it out but just as he realises it's a bomb, the boat explodes sending hundreds of people in the air and into the sea.

This fits in the film as it is the climax. The rest of the film is spent trying to figure out who caused the explosion and trying to fix the situation.

It appeared to me as the the beginning was out of the ordinary. Its not often that the climax happens within the first 10 minutes.