Tuesday 22 March 2011

Briefly describing the opening to 'Deja Vu'

In the opening scene of 'Deja Vu', we see many people excited for their boat trip. We see children, parents and crew members eager to get on their way. As the boat takes off, we see slow motion shots of everyone having a good time in a parallel action with one of the crew on the deck which creates suspense for the viewer. The crew member heres music suspiciously playing in the car. He goes to check it out but just as he realises it's a bomb, the boat explodes sending hundreds of people in the air and into the sea.

This fits in the film as it is the climax. The rest of the film is spent trying to figure out who caused the explosion and trying to fix the situation.

It appeared to me as the the beginning was out of the ordinary. Its not often that the climax happens within the first 10 minutes.


  1. Great start! A very soothing background to your blog and a funny title. Check your punctuation and spelling and add a link to the opening scene in this post, then move on to the next one. Your next post should explain how the director has used some film techniques to create a mood and also place the film within a genre. Keep going!

  2. Oh no! There is nothing new here since the last time I looked! You get to get going and quickly finish B and move onto C, so you don't get behind.
