Monday 28 March 2011

How the characters are used in the film 'Deja Vu'

In the first scene of 'Deja Vu', we see people who are energised and full on enjoyment as they are about to set sail on whatever journey their boat takes them on. We see sailors sprinting out of their transportation vehicles to meet and greet their friends and family who are also about to embark on the adventure. Children who are aboard the boat are excited to be on their way for what could be a new experience for them. All the characters in the opening scene are giving a sense of excitement and happiness, but all good things must come to an end.
As the boat sets sail, the focus is put on one of the boats crew members who is keeping watch of the cars. The crew member notices that one of the cars has been switched on with it's stereo on full. As this is rather unusual and suspicious, he goes in to check it out. We notice the confusion in his face as he finds there is no number plate. As he looks in the back seat, we all see a bomb from his perspective. We know what it is but he takes a while to get the grip of it. Just as he realises what the object in the backseat of the car is, the car along with the boat explodes into smithereens. The crew member didn't even get enough time to react or show facials.
 These characters emotions going from complete happiness and excitement to suspicion and worry really emphasises the climactic point of the film. It was also built up nicely as the suspense and tension grew with the parallel action shots between those aboard the boat and the crew member looking after the cars. 

1 comment:

  1. Good start: can you describe in more detail the acting in this scene? What types of choices have the actors taken with their blocking, responses and costuming? Why? What contrasts are created? Why has the director chosen to build suspense in this way with the bomb in the car? How does this relate to the director's vision and the rest of the film? Make sure you are focusing on performance and character in this one. Email me if you have any questions.
