Saturday 9 July 2011


I want to incorporate my dancing somehow in my film but still unsure how. I don't know whether to have it as a comedy/spoof,  have a wee bit of romance or have it as a boy/girl wanting to dance but his parents don't agree with this decision sort of thing.

If I was to go with the spoof idea, I would probably go with a mix between 'Take the lead' and 'Step up'. So I would probably run the movie as a similar outline as these movies but instead of having a serious approach to it, I'll add some humour by not taking the dancing quite so seriously. So there are a group of boys who get up to a lot of mischief and trouble and are forced, as a discliplinary action to take up Ballroom dancing. They will then be pared up with some girls and learn disclipline, focus and other things along the way. Having people to play these roles should be easy enough to do as I have friends in the dancing world who are keen to help me out. The intention of this film will be to entertain the audience and maybe even get them to think about ballroom and Latin dancing as being a good thing to take up.

With the romance idea, I could have dancer who has to choose between their career in dance and their boyfriend/girlfriend type thing. I'm not too keen on this idea but it is an idea. There could be a prestigious competition coming up ( like Nationals or something) but getting in the way of this couple practicing is one of them spending too much time with their other half. So maybe start the movie off with a view of all these really good dancers practicing and then move to a shot where we see the girl of this partnership sitting alone, waiting for her dance partner to turn up. Then the guy can turn up, and they argue about him spending too much time with his girlfriend, then he makes a promise that he will come in the next day to parctice with her but again he fails to show. Then he must make the decision. Dancing or his girlfriend. Once again, finding actors and dancers shouldn;t be too hard to sort out. The intention that i would be going for in this would be a sadness when the poor guy wants to follow his dream and dance but doesn't want to lose his girfriend in the process. So really, this filmed will be aimed at the more feminine in the audience.

Lastly, the idea of having a boy who is failing school because of his dancing. His dancing takes up so much of his time that his school work is going nowhere. Dancing is his passion and that is all he wants to do but his dad doesn;t agree with this and feels he should quit dance and focus on his school work. His mum feels differently about this and supports his dancing 100%. This turns into a divorce between his parents as the boy leaves school to take up dance full time. I was thinking to add some tragedy to this story, at the end of my beginning, have a scene where the boy was being silly or in a driving accident and breaks his legs. This will bring sadness to the audience as the boy now has nothing. His passion towards dancing is now ruined and becaus ehe left school to persue his dancing career, he does not have the skills to be in a wel paid job. I will probably end up playing the boy but finding people to play my parents could be tricky. This is because it will need to be some pretty good acting if i want to get my point accross.

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